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Simply - to catch the way through the tech edge environment as a Manager and Engineer - holistically. I’m not repeating the social media buzzwords and bullsh*t but trust my own experience and opinions of what I faced, learned and achieved in a long relationship with tech trailblazer VirtusLab.

Why I know subscription is going to be valuable for you? Because I’m not a Manager “after degree and diploma” but experienced and learned practically, with a solid technology background. I’m successfully joining the role of a Department Head and Principal Engineer, what let me push the tech initiatives over boundaries.

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Accelerating time to market through open source collaboration, technical leadership, and cutting-edge technologies. Real-world success stories highlight the power of this holistic approach for sustained competitiveness and ongoing innovation.


Head of Frontend Engineering @ VirtusLab / Serial open source contributor to Strapi ecosystem and vanguard of best practices in engineering leadership.